Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rydia cosplay complete!

Had a terrific time at CTCon last weekend!  It was nice to come across so many folks that appreciated a Rydia cosplay.  My costume earned a Judges' award in the novice division at the masquerade---one of the judges was impressed by all the beadwork and embroidery done by hand.  Next year I will have to shoot for first place!

Rydia costume for ConnectiCon 2013
Time to make: 300 hours
Time to put on: 3 hours (mostly to pincurl hair and put on makeup)
Cost: $400
Weight lost: 3%
Result: Candice's Photographer Award

Here are a couple photos of my trial costume run taken by Glitterforge Phoenix.  My apologies on the quality...I'm not good with photo editing.  Will post professionally done photos once they are available. Stay tuned!
Rydia of Mist cosplay trial run FFiv CTCon Connecticon 2013 by Elathera
Rydia of Mist - Final Fantasy IV cosplay trial run by Elathera

Rydia cosplay trial run FF4 final fantasy iv CTCon Connecticon 2013 by Elathera
Rydia of Mist - Final Fantasy IV cosplay trial run by Elathera

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